
I have a scenario where I have to invoke another bean and registered bean attributes before rendering the JSF page as JSF page have reference to bean attributes for rendering response.

I am looking for best option to implement such scenario. I tried to represent required scenario in form of pseudo-code for better understanding.

Page A --> have button "View Detail" bind with BeanOne.getDetail() -- Scope is session.


process the request - call the backend method to get detail - if (type == XYZ) then invoke BeanTwo.getTypeXYZ() and redirect as per navigation rule defined for BeanTwo.getTypeXYZ() - else if (type == RST) then invoke BeanThree.getTypeRST() and redirect as per navigation rule defined for BeanThree.getTypeRST()


  • process the request
  • call the backend method to get detail
  • set this.attributeB = value returned from backend method.
  • navigate to Page B


  • process the request
  • call the backend method to get detail
  • set this.attributeC = value returned from backend method.
  • navigate to Page C

Something like having bean method name in navigation rule

<from-view-id>Page A</from-view-id>


1 Answers


Did you try using navication-rule in faces-config.xml


in bean

getTypeXYZ() {
   NavigationHandler nh = facesContext.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
   nh.handleNavigation(facesContext, null, "XYZ");