FORTRAN was designed to solve scientific and engineering problems. Column-major storage is more natural from a scientific point of view, since the general linear algebra convention uses column-vectors and often treats matrices as concatenations of column-vectors. In matrix-vector multiplications, column-vectors reside on the right side (post-multiplication), with successive matrices added further on the left side, e.g. B*(A*x)
. Languages such as COBOL, PL/1, and C treat matrices as collections of row-records, hence for them the row-major order is more natural.
In linear algebra, a vector is represented by its coordinates: x = x[1]*e1 + x[2]*e2 + ... + x[n]*en
where x[i]
are the vector coordinates and ei
is the i
-th basis vector. In matrix representation, the basis vectors are column-vectors. A linear operator A
then, acting on x
, gives:
y = A*x = A*{x[1]*e1 + x[2]*e2 + ... x[n]*en}
= x[1]*(A*e1) + x[2]*(A*e2) + ... x[n]*(A*en)
In matrix representation, the linear operator A
consists of n
columns, with column i
being the result of A
acting on the i
-th basis vector, and A*x
is then simply the linear combination of the columns of A
with coefficients coming for the coordinates of x
. In FORTRAN this would be:
! Zero out the result vector
DO k = 1,n
y(k) = 0.0
! Iterate over the columns of A
DO i = 1,n
! Add the i-th column to the linear combination with a weight of x(i)
w = x(i)
DO k = 1,n
y(k) = y(k) + w*A(k,i)
This automatically gives preference to column-major storage of A
. It might seem awkward, but back in the 50's, when FORTRAN was born, FMAC hardware and register optimisations were not at all that popular like they are now.