In short my questions are: How to switch ResourceDictionaries in a WP7.1 app? Is there an easier way than the one I am trying to do?
In a Windows Phone 7 project I need to replace the application resources according to the user's theme (light/dark). The idea in a nutshell is obvious:
a) create a ResourceDictionary variable
b) get the appropriate styles and brushes resource files according to the current theme
c) add the above resources to the Application.Current.Resources.MergedDictionaries
Here's what I am doing:
1) Folder structure for resources in the "View" project:
2) The styles in the 2 Brushes.xaml files have the same Keys. Same with Styles.xaml.
3) In my first attempt (assuming light theme selected) I get an "unspecified error" on the second line.
var uriPath = "Resources/Light/Brushes.xaml";
var brushes = new ResourceDictionary {Source = new Uri(uriPath, UriKind.Relative)};
(FYI I tried with Resource, Page and Content build actions)
4) My second attempt gives me hope, as I successfully manage to stuff Brushes.xaml into the App's MergedDictionaries:
string xaml;
var uriPath = "Resources/Light/Brushes.xaml";
var brushesUri = new Uri(uriPath, UriKind.Relative);
var brushesStream = Application.GetResourceStream(brushesUri);
using (var brushesStreamReader = new StreamReader(brushesStream.Stream))
xaml = brushesStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
var dic = new ResourceDictionary();
5) In order for brushesStreamReader to not be null
in the code above I have to set the xaml files to "Content". (why?)
6) The second problem with my code in step 4 is when attempting to do the same thing with Styles.xaml. I get a "Failed to assign to property 'System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.Source'
" on the last line (dic.MergedDictionaries.Add...). Perhaps this is because Styles.xaml adds Brushes.xaml to its own MergedDictionaries:
<ResourceDictionary Source="Brushes.xaml"/>
Is it?