
I have a simple application with one class and one xPage with one computedField, bound to that class. I want to show result from class getter as a bean. Doesn't work. My class looks like this:

package test.test;

public class Test {
    public Test() {

    public String getTest() {
        return "Test";

SSJS in the computedField:

var test = new test.test.Test();
return test.getTest();

an error is like this:

Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
Script interpreter error, line=1, col=17: 'test' is undefined

1: var test = new test.test.Test();

Am I missing any settings or what? Thanks in advance, JiKra

EDIT: If I use a managed bean, the issue is absolutely identical. There must be problem with my Designer/Eclipse IDE. I'll try to reinstall it tomorow.

EDIT2: Today, I tried to do the same thing in my colleges's computer and it's the same error. So, the problem is not with my IDE. I must be missing something. Do I need any external libraries to be installed on the server or in the IDE?

It's just for simplicity. I tried it three times berfore with different package and class names. Still the same error.JiKra
Where is your java class stored? Lib/ext jar, java element?Simon O'Doherty
It's just a single package and class in Code/Java.JiKra

7 Answers


Ok I did the following.

1) Created a new Java Class.

enter image description here

2) Put in the following code into the class.

package test.test;

public class Test implements java.io.Serializable {

    public Test() {

    public String getTest() {
        return "Test";


3) Created an XPage with the following source:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core" xmlns:xe="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/coreex">
    <xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1">
        <xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var t:test.test.Test = new     test.test.Test();

return t.getTest();

Opened it in a browser and got the word "Test" appearing.

Changed variable "t" to "test" and then it failed. So it appears the variable name is the issue.


Based on your comment of using 8.5.2, the code/Java functionality didn't arrive until Notes/Domino 8.5.3. Which is why it is not working for you.


Your variable name in SSJS (test) is conflicting with the package name. Use

var test1=new test.test.Test();

It will work...


Probably build issue. Make sure you...

1) Built the code, try to clean and build.

2) Have correct build paths - you find it in preferences dialog.

3) Can locate Test.class file, preferably in Navigator view of Java perspective.


Make sure the Java and XPage are built after you have changed the package name. For example add a print("new XPage") to SSJS and System.out.println("new Java") to Java.

I can reproduce the problem with your code and 8.5.3FP3 Designer+Server. When I change the package name to test.tes the problem goes away.

EDIT: I used variable name "t" all the time and can confirm that the problem appears also if I change the variable name to "test" as Simon found out below. Maybe Simon has a different Desiger/Domino version because test.test.Test does not work for me with variable name "t".

EDIT2: Sounds like you are using 8.5.3 Designer with 8.5.2 server. As Simon said Code/Java was introduced in 8.5.3. Instructions for writing Java for 8.5.2 can be found for example here: http://xpageswiki.com/web/youatnotes/wiki-xpages.nsf/dx/Work_with_Java


While initializing you Java class in SSJS the code should be like this:

var testObj:test.test.Test = new test.test.Test();

You forgot to put the new statement.

var test = new test.test.Test();

Not sure if this is the issue, but I think you have to define a variable "test" of type String in the Bean in order to retrieve it's value using getTest().