I have developped 2 Android applications. The first one, to write into an NFC tag, and the second to read the contents I have written .
So with, * The first application (WriteNFC): I'm writing into the Tag, one NDEF message who involves two NDEF records : The first record is a "text" type, and the second one is a "URL" type.
The second application (ReadNFC): I scan the Tag, in order to read the NDEF message, and display it, but not fully. I only display on screen the second record (URL). What I would like to do, is when the user selecte another android application that he installed for reading NFC Tags, this one should be able to display only the first record (Text), and not the second one (URL)?
On summary, when we scan an NFC Tag, with my application(ReadNFC), we can see just an URL (http://www.stackoverflow.com), and with other applications, we can see just a Text (Hello World).