
when I Post data and Query a Table with the database as: Dev datastorage (emulator) it works.

When I Post data Table with the data in Azure data base (have account) it works. When I Get data from Table with the data in Azure data base (have account) it does not works.

In both the cases the code is the same.except the key and account credentials.

Is it I should do anything to Query ?

    var query = azure.TableQuery
    .select().from('dummytable').where('PartitionKey eq ?', key);                                           

can any one suggest why Query is not working. should there be anything else that need to be done

From Storage Explorer it works, I am able to see the entities. only from the program I am not able to get the response. But in the same program "PUT"operation is working.

Not clear what you exactly want. If the querries are working out then what is the issue? Please clarify?Nabs
sorry I made the question more clearer. POST works . Get is not workingThe Learner
What exception/error you got when retrieving data from table storage?Shaun Xu
There is no Error (or) Exception . get the response but there is no data . if I do the same thing for POST I am getting success response and data is insertedThe Learner
Using any storage explorer, can you check if the data is indeed present in the table? Also when working with Azure storage, it may be helpful to trace request/response through a tool like Fiddler. HTH.Gaurav Mantri

3 Answers


Was happening the same to me.. did an upgrade from the azure npm package 0.6.1 to 0.6.7 and now works, hope this helps.


I would look at the value that is on your partition key. There are some values that aren't on the list of invalid characters that Azure has issue with. For example before SDK 1.7 you could safely insert a % in a key, but if you queried for it specifically it wouldn't work. To test if this is the problem try running your query but without the filter and make sure your row is returned.


After reading the msdn mailing lists, I have upgraded the azure npm with the latest package 0.6.7 and it works. looks to be an issue with azure