
I started looking at Play 2.0. I first intended to use it with Java since there are some Java APIs that I would like to interface with. But after reading about Scala, I thought I'd give that a try.

I came across the 'Grizzled Scala' library and 'Grizzled SLF4J' and would like to add this to a Play framework project, but am not sure how. I'm using Eclipse and installed the Scala IDE.

Instructions are here: http://software.clapper.org/grizzled-scala/ It assumes that you're using Maven, which I'm not, or sbt, which I think that Play does.

I see the following sbt command: sbt> ls-install grizzled-scala

I'm not able to start a pure sbt shell, although the manual says that play is an sbt shell -- it doesn't seem to understand the ls-install command. It seems I need to install the ls SBT plugin.

Am I going down the right path on this?

And BTW, you can very well code in Scala and work with Java API.i.am.michiel

1 Answers


Play2 uses Sbt as a build system / dependency management.

If you want to add the "Grizzled Scala" dependency, edit the project/Build.scala file of your Play2's project, and add the dep in the appDependencies section:

val appDependencies = Seq(
  "org.clapper" %% "grizzled-scala" % "1.0.13"