I'm trying to encrypt and sign a file with cryptoapi with some X.509 certificates. I want to verify and decrypt this file with openssl.
On windows I think I need to use the CryptSignAndEncryptMessage
function to encrypt and sign data. I used this example from MSDN to create a signed and encrypted message.
How can I decrypt/verify this file using openssl? I removed the first 4 bytes from the message since it contained the length of the message (from the windows blob).
When I call openssl -asn1parse
I get some output that indicates it to be parsable by openssl.
When trying to verify the signature with openssl I recieve an error:
openssl rsautl -verify -inkey AlonsoCert.pem -keyform pem -certin -in sandvout-without-4byte.txt
RSA operation error
3073579208:error:0406706C:rsa routines:RSA_EAY_PUBLIC_DECRYPT:data greater than mod len:rsa_eay.c:680: