I am trying to use VBA to move a rich text clause ("strText"), which appears at the beginning of various paragraphs, to the end of each paragraph where the clause appears, and thereafter to underline strText.
I am a novice/hobbyist at vba programming, so please be gentle. I spent a few days on this before seeking help.
Problems with my attempted coding (which appears below):
I tried to assign to var "LparaNo" the number of the paragraph wherein the found text (strText) appears. But the number that "LparaNo" returns is totally off base. If someone has a suggestion about how to get the right paragraph number, I'd appreciate it. My intention is to set a range variable objRange_ParaHoldingText= ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo).Range, i.e., a range that would reflect the paragraph in which the sought text was found.
I can't figure out how to move objRange01 ("strText", which is formatted text) to the end of the paragraph in which it appears.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Marc
Sub subFindTextAndMoveItToEndOfTheSameParagraphAndUnderlineIt_03()
' Code canniablized from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11733766/how-to-search-for-text-and-check-for-underline-in-vba-for-word
Dim c As Range
Dim fnd As String
Dim strText As String
Dim objRange01 As Range
Dim objRange02 As Range
Dim objRange03 As Range
Dim LparaNo As Long
Dim strParazText As String
With ActiveDocument
strText = "Falsification 45 C.F.R. §" & Chr(160) & "6891(a)(2): "
' My objectives are: (1) to move strText from the beginning of various paragraphs, to the end of each paragraph where it appears,
' and thereafter, (2) to delete the ":" at the end of strText, and (3) to underline strText
fnd = strText
If fnd = "" Then Exit Sub
Set c = ActiveDocument.Content
With c.Find
.Text = fnd
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
End With
While c.Find.Found
c.Select ' I am trying to select the text that was found
Set objRange01 = c ' I am trying to set objRange01 = the text that was found, and selected
Selection.EndOf Unit:=wdParagraph, Extend:=wdExtend ' I am extending the selection to include the entire paragraph
Set objRange02 = Selection.Range 'The entire paragraph
Set objRange03 = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=Selection.End) ' I am trying to set objRange02 = all text from
' ' beginning of doc thru objRange01.text
LparaNo = objRange03.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticParagraphs) + 1 ' I am trying to set LparaNo = the no. of paras in all
' ' text from beginning of doc thru the end of objRange02.
' ' Alas, the number generated for "LparaNo" is incorrect. The paragraph number generated for "LparaNo"
' ' is the number for a paragraph that appears 5 pages before objRange01.text
MsgBox "Paragraph # " & LparaNo & " [objRange01.Text = c = ] " & Chr(34) & objRange01.Text & Chr(34) & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & objRange02.Text & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo - 2).Range.Text & vbCrLf & _
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo - 1).Range.Text & vbCrLf & _
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo).Range.Text & vbCrLf ' & _
' ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo + 1).Text & vbCrLf & _
' ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(LparaNo + 2).Range.Text & vbCrLf '& _
objRange01.Move Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=1 ' I am trying unsuccessfully to move the selected text to the beginning
' ' of the next paragraph
objRange01.Move Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1 ' I am trying unsuccessfully to move the selected text from the beginning
' ' of the next paragraph, to the end of the preceding paragraph, i.e.,
' ' to the end of the selected text's paragraph of origin.
Wend ' While c.Find.Found
End With
End Sub 'subFindTextAndMoveItToEndOfTheSameParagraphAndUnderlineIt_03