
I am new to SharePoint 2010 and I use it for managing our dept. documents. I created some document libraries and a folder (gather the history docs by time) to manage the documents. Recently I had a request from my manager that he wanted to view the newest documents from those document libraries in a simple page. The total requests have to include the info of date uploaded, the user who uploaded it, frequency of changes etc. I am using a workflow to resolve it, but it is hard to me now.

Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this?


1 Answers


I might understand you wrong but you could do this to create a webpart-page with a view to each lists newest documents

  • Create a List WebPart referring to your DocLib
  • Create a Listview that orders by created or edited date in ascending order

Here is some more information about ListViews: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1622404&seqNum=14

I hope this can help you.