
I have a WPF ListBox operating in single selection mode. I am adding drag and drop to move items around. Currently the ListBox selection responds to both left button pressed and then with mouse moves with left button down. So after I wait for the MinimumVerticalDragDistance to start a drag operation, a different item could be selected. Dragging either the unselected orginal item or dragging the new selected item is confusing. Adding 'e.Handled=true' in xxx_MouseMove or xxx_PreviewMouseMove does not do anything. Any ideas on suppressing this selection due to mouse moves with left button down?

Found an answer. Instead of trying to supress mouse move, I just killed automatic selection in PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown. I then just added the selection manually in the same routine.jyoung
You may write that as an answer (perhaps with some code) and then accept it.Clemens

1 Answers


The best kludge I came up with is to cancel the ListBox's "Selection by dragging" in the IsMouseCapturedChanged event.

    public partial class MainWindow : Window
    Rect? dragSourceGestureRect;
    bool busy;

    public MainWindow()

        listBox.ItemsSource = Enumerable.Range(1, 9);

        listBox.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += listBox_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown;
        listBox.IsMouseCapturedChanged += listBox_IsMouseCapturedChanged;
        listBox.MouseMove += listBox_MouseMove;

    void listBox_IsMouseCapturedChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (busy)

        if (!listBox.IsMouseCaptured)
            dragSourceGestureRect = null;

        else if (dragSourceGestureRect.HasValue)
            busy = true;
                //tell the ListBox to cancel it's "Selection by dragging"
                //Now recapture the mouse for canceling my dragging
            busy = false;

    void listBox_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        var center = e.GetPosition(listBox);
        dragSourceGestureRect = new Rect(
            center.X - SystemParameters.MinimumHorizontalDragDistance / 2,
            center.Y - SystemParameters.MinimumVerticalDragDistance / 2,

    void listBox_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        if (!dragSourceGestureRect.HasValue || dragSourceGestureRect.Value.Contains(e.GetPosition(listBox)))

        dragSourceGestureRect = null;

        var data = new DataObject(DataFormats.UnicodeText, "The Data");
        DragDrop.DoDragDrop(listBox, data, DragDropEffects.Copy);

        e.Handled = true;