We are currently running haystack with an elasticsearch backend. We are having trouble getting the partial word search to run correctly.
We currently have an index that has an EdgeNgramField. I have tried doing a search on this field, but I'm not finding any results unless it's an exact match. I'm trying to use this to find products so for example: I type "sun", I won't get the result for "sunglasses".
I started using curl commands directly on the elasticsearch to see if I could figure out what was happening. I even created my own index directly with curl, along with an ngram analyzer and I receive the proper results using partial word searches.
Another interesting thing is that: if I run the _mapping command using curl on my test index directly on elasticsearch that I created directly with curl, i get the following: "testfield":{"type":"string", "analyzer":"test_analyzer"}, however, if I run the mapping command on the index created by haystack, it only has "type":"string". It says nothing about the edgengram_analyzer that it should be using.
Any ideas?