A portion of my neo4j graph represents objects, their values, and the attributes associated with those values. To use common programming syntax, I'm persisting something like the result of:
Object.Attribute = Value
where Object, Attribute and Value are all nodes, and they're linked by VALUE and ATTRIBUTE relationships like this:
To describe this with a specific example, the result of this code:
Object.Colour = 'Red'
would be persisted as:
Object-[:VALUE]->(Value { value:'Red' })-[:ATTRIBUTE]->(Attribute { name:'Colour' })
The problem occurs when I want to modify a persisted state like that above, and I wish to re-use existing Attribute (and ideally, Value) nodes - that is, I don't want to have multiple instances of the Attribute { name:'Colour' } node, I want to have a single instance that is related to each Value node instance.
The following Cypher query will go ahead and create new Value and Attribute nodes every time, regardless of whether identical nodes already exist:
start o=node(something)
create unique o-[:VALUE]->(v {value:'Green'})-[:ATTRIBUTE]->(a {name:'Colour'})
return v;
The following will apparently recycle both Value and Attribute nodes, but of course won't work when the required Attribute doesn't exist (i.e. the first time it's used):
start o=node(something), a=node(something)
create unique o-[:VALUE]->(v {value:'Green'})-[:ATTRIBUTE]->a
where a.name = 'Colour'
return v;
The statement in the documentation that "create unique will always make the least change possible to the graph — if it can use parts of the existing graph, it will", doesn't appear to be completely true, and I don't understand why my query doesn't exhibit this behaviour.
How can I get the "recycling" effect of the latter query, combined with the creation on demand of the Attribute (and Value) when required like the former?