Background: One xpage bound to document1. On this xpages is a tabbed table contain several tabs. Each tab contains an panel bound to other data sources incl document2. Document2 is created and made a child of document1. In each panel is a table to allow the user to create the new document, as well as two view controls. Everything works beautifully...until...
Problem: I was asked to add a way to upload an attachment to the child document. I first created an rich text field on the bound document called "ScannedInvoice". I then create a File Upload Control from the core controls and bound it to document2/ScannedInvoice. By rule, I only want a single attachment, otherwise I would consider the openNTF upload control.
I cannot figure out why nothing appears on the back end when I upload a file and create a new document. Everything else works, but there is no attachment in the ScannedInvoice field and also no $FILE fields attached to the document either.
Thanks in advance for any tips. I have searched quite a bit and have not found any answers. - Steve
<xp:fileUpload id="fileUpload1"
value="#{document2.ScannedInvoice}" useUploadname="false"
style="font-size:8pt" filename="scannedinvoice.jpg"
Note: The field ScannedInvoice on the Invoice form is rich text.
Code to save button: Document2 has scope=request and ignoreRequestParam=true. Both of these have to be set like this in order to work. parentID=# document1.getNoteID()