
I dont know propel. I need to convert this propel code. In this code the strings $array[$i] will concordinate with $array[0] or the last string of $array[$i] only stored in this $array[0].

To convert this propel code to what? Which version of Symfony? All in all your question isn't really clear to understand ..j0k
i need to convert this to symfony 2.0.this line is inside the for loop ($array[0]->addAnd($array[$i]);)user1852767

1 Answers


The addAnd(...) method adds another condition (a Propel Criterion object) to the WHERE clause in the resulting SQL query - in your case, that query is represented by $array[0]. Since we don't know what $array[$i] is (although it is most likely a Propel Criterion) we can't really say what the result will be, but it will append AND {string representation of $array[$i]} to the existing SQL. You can check the Propel API docs for info on the addAnd(...) method.