I am currently working on a project that requires me to find the pose of a camera using the opencv library. I am working on an iPod and currently take video input and find keypoints and descriptors using ORB and matching points using BruteForceMatcher from two frames in quasi realtime (it's highly unoptomised as of right now). I'm not sure if this is necessary but I also filter the matches so only matches that map both ways are drawn i.e. k->k1 and k1->k
I have the intrinsic parameters of the camera I am using as well as 2D keypoints. From this I am hoping to find the position of the camera (I assume these are the extrinsic parameters of rotation and translation).
Although I have looked through numerous tutorials a lot of this has gone a bit over my head and I need some guidance as to what method would work as well as an explanation. Most of the tutorials used a square of set reference points however I have no markers to use other than the keypoints pulled out of the frames.
From what I understand the steps are:
a) Find corresponding keypoints
b) Identify fundamental matrix
c) Estimate essential matrix
d) Decompose essential matrix into rotation and translation vectors
However, beyond step a) I am stuck.