I'm treading in unfamiliar territory again.
I used this client library https://code.google.com/p/gwt-oauth2/ to get an access token that I can use to access google calendar API.
After doing some research, I noticed another client library http://code.google.com/p/gwt-google-apis/source/browse/trunk/apis/samples/calendar/com/google/api/gwt/samples/calendar/client/CalendarEntryPoint.java that I can use to make google calendar api calls.
Now what I don't understand is how to combine the two. So I have an access token now, but the sample code from the second client library does not use that access token anywhere (it only uses the client_id and api_key from the google api console).
Are these two libraries mutually exclusive or are they meant to work together?
What I want to achieve is to authorize my application's access to Google calendars using the first library, and make API calls using the second. The trouble is, when I make API calls with the second library, it doesn't recognize that my application is already authorized to use Google Calendars, I believe the trouble is with this line from the sample code:
calendar.initialize(new SimpleEventBus(),
new GoogleApiRequestTransport(APPLICATION_NAME, API_KEY));
When this call is made, it registers a second application (I can see this from my third party apps in my google account). Even though the first application is already authorized to use Google calendars, the newly registered application wants to be authorized again.
So I looked around to see if there is a GoogleApiRequestTransport that can use an existing application, and I managed to find this: http://gwt-google-apis.googlecode.com/svn-history/r1914/trunk/apis/javadoc/latest/javadoc/com/google/api/gwt/shared/GoogleApiRequestTransport.html
This GoogleApiRequestTransport lets me set the access token (which is what I wanted in the first place). But it is a deprecated. So I don't know what to make of it.