Aight so I want to draw a triangle like so:
Currently I'm using a combination of a CAShapeLayer and creating the path with a UIBezierPath (the code is below) and then applying that as a mask for another layer (self.layer as I'm in a UIView subclass and rather than setting layerclass I'm doing it this way so I can preserve the initial layer)
anyways the code:
_bezierPath = [[UIBezierPath bezierPath] retain];
#define COS30 0.86602540378
#define SIN30 0.5
[_bezierPath moveToPoint:(CGPoint){self.frame.size.width/2.f-r*SIN30,r*COS30}];
[_bezierPath addArcWithCenter:(CGPoint){self.frame.size.width/2.f,r*COS30*2.f} radius:r startAngle:2*M_PI/3.f endAngle:M_PI/3.f clockwise:YES];
[_bezierPath addLineToPoint:(CGPoint){self.frame.size.width-r*SIN30,self.frame.size.height-r*COS30}];
[_bezierPath addArcWithCenter:(CGPoint){self.frame.size.width-r*SIN30-r,self.frame.size.height-r*COS30} radius:r startAngle:0.f endAngle:-M_PI/3.f clockwise:YES];
[_bezierPath addLineToPoint:(CGPoint){r*SIN30,self.frame.size.height-r*COS30}];
[_bezierPath addArcWithCenter:(CGPoint){r*SIN30+r,self.frame.size.height-r*COS30} radius:r startAngle:4*M_PI/3.f endAngle:M_PI clockwise:YES];
[_bezierPath closePath];
CAShapeLayer *s = [CAShapeLayer layer];
s.frame = self.bounds;
s.path = _bezierPath.CGPath;
self.layer.mask = s;
self.layer.backgroundColor = [SLInsetButton backgroundColorForVariant:SLInsetButtonColorForSLGamePieceColor(_color)].CGColor;
and unfortunately the result is not what I was looking for, instead the corners become little knobs (as if its turning too much)
Thanks in advance