
I have a Powershell script to detect disk space on a network server that requires a user/password to access it.

I followed this: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserverpowershell/thread/440ab7ed-7727-4ff7-a34a-6e69e2dff251/

To get this code:

$password = get-content C:\creds.txt | convertto-securestring
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "username",$password
Get-WmiObject -ErrorAction Stop Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $deviceName -credential $cred -Filter "DeviceID='$darg'"

$deviceName and $darg are already correctly defined.

This works just fine when running the Powershell script manually. But when I set it up as a Windows schedule task, it fails thinking the user/pass is incorrect:

Get-WmiObject : Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESS DENIED))

$disks = Get-WmiObject <<<< -ErrorAction Stop Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $deviceName -credential $cred -Filter "DeviceID='$darg'" + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-WmiObject], Unauthorized AccessException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand

Why is this? (The account is a local user on the remote server. I've tried entering the credentials on the Schedule interface but it doesn't let me save it, saying invalid login; maybe due to being a local account) ServerName\LocalUser does not work in the Windows Schedule UI, still gives the incorrect login error.

Try using ServerName\LocalUser as the username. Consider that the specified account must be a user of the local administrators group on the target server.Rex Hardin
I am under the impression that convertto/from-securestring works on a per-user basis if you don't provide a specific key value. IOW, one user can't read another user's data. This pre-existing SO question seems relevant: stackoverflow.com/questions/7109958/…. There is also relevant information discussion at Powershellcommunity.org: powershellcommunity.org/Forums/tabid/54/aft/8122/Default.aspxDarin Strait
@darinstrait That was it, thanks. Feel free to drop that as an answer and I'll accept.JBurace

2 Answers


Here is my comment, re-worded as an answer.

The convertto/from-securestring functions work on a per-user basis (if you don't provide a specific key value). IOW, one user can't read another user's data.

This pre-existing SO question seems relevant. There is also relevant discussion at Powershellcommunity.org.


why dont you set the task to run under the user account and run the wmi request without credential ?