I have big table with 11 mln records. I would like to get one record.
FROM "PRD".events_log
WHERE plc_time < '2012-11-19 14:00'
AND ((event_type_id IN (1,51)
AND machine_id = 1
AND island_id = 88)
OR (event_type_id IN (2000,2001)
AND machine_id=88))
ORDER BY plc_time desc
Cost of ordering this query is big, because I don't limit plc_time in both sides. I can't limit this, so can I speed up this?
I have indexes on important fields, so lack of its cannot be a problem.
This query is one of several other in function pl/pgsql.
I heard something about cursor, but I don't know how can I use it.
This is explain analyze this query:
"Limit (cost=4719.97..4719.97 rows=1 width=850) (actual time=6074.900..6074.901 rows=1 loops=1)" " -> Sort (cost=4719.97..4720.49 rows=208 width=850) (actual time=6074.897..6074.897 rows=1 loops=1)" " Sort Key: plc_time" " Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 17kB" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on events_log (cost=50.07..4718.93 rows=208 width=850) (actual time=248.306..6068.046 rows=6911 loops=1)" " Recheck Cond: (((machine_id = 1) AND (event_type_id = ANY ('{1,51}'::integer[]))) OR ((machine_id = 88) AND (event_type_id = ANY ('{2000,2001}'::integer[]))))" " Filter: ((plc_time BitmapOr (cost=50.07..50.07 rows=1246 width=0) (actual time=244.710..244.710 rows=0 loops=1)" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on fki_events_type_fk (cost=0.00..24.98 rows=623 width=0) (actual time=238.529..238.529 rows=832699 loops=1)" " Index Cond: ((machine_id = 1) AND (event_type_id = ANY ('{1,51}'::integer[])))" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on fki_events_type_fk (cost=0.00..24.98 rows=623 width=0) (actual time=6.177..6.177 rows=6869 loops=1)" " Index Cond: ((machine_id = 88) AND (event_type_id = ANY ('{2000,2001}'::integer[])))" "Total runtime: 6075.175 ms"
And analyze table:
INFORMACJA: analizowanie "PRD.events_log" INFORMACJA: "events_log": przeskanowano 30000 z 158056 stron, zawierających 2369701 żywych wierszy i 71270 martwych wierszy; 30000 wierszy w przykładzie, 12488167 szacowanych wszystkich wierszy Zapytanie zostało wykonane w 52203 ms i nie zwróciło żadnych wyników. Fast translate: Scanned 3000 from 158056 pages, contains: 2369701 alive rows and 71270 dead rows. 30000 rows in example, 12488167 estimated all rows
explain analyze
is worth adding. See stackoverflow.com/tags/postgresql-performance/info – Craig Ringer