I'm creating a metabox with a checkbox group and i want to populate the checkboxes with a custom post type.
I'm using the code in this article: Reusable Custom Meta Boxes Part 2
Now for checkboxes group i have the values hardcoded:
array (
'label' => 'Sponsors',
'desc' => 'Sponsors for this exercise.',
'id' => $prefix.'sponsors',
'type' => 'checkbox_group',
'options' => array (
'one' => array (
'label' => 'Option One',
'value' => 'one'
'two' => array (
'label' => 'Option Two',
'value' => 'two'
'three' => array (
'label' => 'Option Three',
'value' => 'three'
'four' => array (
'label' => 'Option Four',
'value' => 'four'
and this code saves the data:
case 'checkbox_group':
foreach ($field['options'] as $option) {
echo '<input type="checkbox" value="'.$option['value'].'" name="'.$field['id'].'[]" id="'.$option['value'].'"',$meta && in_array($option['value'], $meta) ? ' checked="checked"' : '',' />
<label for="'.$option['value'].'">'.$option['label'].'</label><br />';
I want to use a custom post type to load the checkboxes:
function get_sponsors()
$args = array(
'numberposts' = -1,
'post_type' = 'px_sponsor',
'orderby' = 'post_title',
'order' = 'ASC'
$my_sponsors = get_posts( $args );
return $my_sponsors;
How can i modify it so it shows my custom post type values instead of the hard coded ones?