I'm trying to model timeseries data for a sensor network in Cassandra 11x. My primary use case is to query large time ranges from a particular source device. I'd prefer to use cql for this to save implementation time.
Using cql3 I'm defining a table like this:
create table example (
source int,
sample_time timeuuid,
value double,
PRIMARY KEY (source,sample_time)
But this partition key results in rows which will quickly grow too wide/hot, and gives no parallelization on queries. Ideally I would like to define a compositetype to be my partition key, is this supported in cql?
I've read http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/advanced-time-series-with-cassandra and the section on high throughput timelines is particularily relevent. Do I have to fall back on defining the storage layout directly and forget about cql?