The app saves the camera output into a mov. file, then turn it to flv format that sent by AVPacket to rtmp server. It switch every time between two files, one is written by the camera output and the other one is sent. My problem is that the audio/video is getting out of sync after a while.
The first buffer sent is allways 100% sync but after awhile it get messed. I belive its a DTS-PTS problem..
packet->stream_index = VIDEO_STREAM;
packet->dts = packet->pts = videoPosition;
videoPosition += packet->duration = FLV_TIMEBASE * packet->duration * videoCodec->ticks_per_frame * videoCodec->time_base.num / videoCodec->time_base.den;
packet->stream_index = AUDIO_STREAM;
packet->dts = packet->pts = audioPosition;
audioPosition += packet->duration = FLV_TIMEBASE * packet->duration / audioRate;
//NSLog(@"audio position = %lld", audioPosition);
packet->pos = -1;
packet->convergence_duration = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
// This sometimes fails without being a critical error, so no exception is raised
if((code = av_interleaved_write_frame(file, packet)))
NSLog(@"Streamer::Couldn't write frame");