Well, what i want is to implement functions that works like the macros SIGNAL and SLOT but with my own implementation, so the goal is that the function (or my own macro if i can create it) receive a parameter like an String "mycustomsignal" and he return a const char* "2mycustomsignal(double,int)" so i do that using a QMap for store this asociation QMap<"signal name","signal signature">, i fill it in another function.
in this case my QMap is this->signals
so i search the signature "mycustomsignal(something)" with the key "mycustomsignal" and prepend the code that QObject::connect recognize for signals and i get "2mycustomsignal(something)" so i convert it in const char* because QObject::connect have this parameters in this format and i want to use also in conjuntion with SIGNAL and SLOT MACROS like this:
QObject::connect(customwidget, customwidget->getSignal("somesignal"),
somewidget, SLOT(someslot()));
the function that i use is (only for undertand what i do):
const char* SomeClass::getSignal(QString signalName) {
QString signalsignature = this->signals.value(signalName);
QByteArray ba = signalsignature.toLatin1();
return signalformated; //Here is the lost of data because QByteArray only exist in the function
but this return a pointer to local and the source of the data is destroyed when the function ends, so how i could do this with a function or creating my own MACRO?
Thanks for any help or suggestion.