
So I added:

LIBS += 

To my projects .pro, but in Creator it says "cannot find -lboost_system". I tried using "UNCLUDEPATH" but that broke the path for all libraries.

Anyone have any ideas how to use boost::gregorian with Qt Creator?

EDIT: Below works to get it recognized, but breaks all other libraries.

INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include
LIBS += -L"/usr/include/boost" -lboost_system -lboost_gregorian

What do you mean it broke path for all other libraries?cpl

2 Answers


I just tried by myself and it is working and it is my first Qt and boost program.

In the .pro file you only need to add

LIBS += \

I did not mention include file as I am using mentioning boost dir in my include in source file.

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>

For packages, if you are using Fedora/RHEL system just do

yum install boost boost-devel

And for Ubuntu based system

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Hope this helps.


LIBS should not include /usr/include/boost and INCLUDEPATH includes /usr/include by default.

Make sure you have libboost-system-dev (or devel, depends on your distribution) package installed.