I'm trying to set an image in a static js script but it doesn't work.
var _pointer = document.createElement("DIV");
_pointer.style.backgroundImage = 'url(../images/repeater_1x4.jpg)';
It returns this error:
GET http://localhost:9000/images/repeater_1x4.jpg 404 (Not Found)
I also tried the following since I have static resources mapped from the public folder to the assets/ url path, it doesn't returns any errors, but again it doesn't show the image.
var _pointer = document.createElement("DIV");
_pointer.style.backgroundImage = 'url(@routes.Assets.at("images/repeater_1x4.jpg"))';
In case you're wondering this is in my routes file:
GET /assets/*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file)
What's the correct way to do this? I'm using Play! 2.0, my scripts are in public/javascripts and my images are in public/images as you might expect.