
I was following this tutorial for Spring Login example. I downloaded their sample code and import in my Eclipse. It throws 2 error.

Error 1
Target runtime Apache Tomcat v6.0 (2) is not defined. Unknown Faceted Project Problem

Error 2
Referenced file contains errors (http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_5.xsd).

I already download the latest updates in eclipse and reinstall the tomcat. Using Tomcat6,Spring-3.2.0.RC1.

enter image description here

Please advice. Thanks

stackoverflow.com/questions/2239959/… ? what is the target runtime? is it a jave ee eclipse? Why are you using roseindia and Spring 2.5 when there's official documentation with sample projects that is developed by SpringSource static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/docs/3.1.x/…Boris Treukhov
@BorisTreukhov managed to solved the tomcat issue by changing the target runtime.. thanks for it.. yes eclipse ee.. i googled and found the link...there is no special reason why i use roseindia...chinna_82

2 Answers


We need to right click on the project, properties and Targeted Runtimes. Uncheck the old server entry and enable the new entry. This should solve this error.


Hope this helps.


Right click on the project->select properties option.

Search for targetedruntimes in the search bar

uncheck the tomcat old version

select latest version and the version you wnat to use.