I have some approach to share. I developed the simple CR wrapper that can help to render Crystal Reports. Use this code as is. Please feel free to modify, extend any part of the code.
Download link https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlTLBrnU_bLUiaoUxcxNiRCZRQjWng
And the sample how to utilize the wrapper using CR wrapper class that enter code here
implements IDisposable interface. Set report source in Page_Init and report parameters in Page_Load events and dispose report document in Page_Unload event.
The second method uses static class and render the report at ones, disposing report document at the end. The report source should be saved into session variable. Please be aware that second method is not really suitable in high traffic web application, because using of the static class. The collision will occur if two users would run any reports at the same time.
Method 1
using System;
using System.Linq;
using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using WebReports.Models.Helpers.CrystalReports; //Reference to CR wrapper
namespace YourNamespace
public partial class ReportForm : System.Web.UI.Page
protected string _serverName;
protected string _databaseName;
protected string _schemaName;
protected string _userId;
protected string _userPassword;
protected bool _integratedSecurity;
protected string _databaseType;
//Wrapper Report Document
protected CReportDocument _reportDocument;
/// <summary>
/// Load report
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Wrapper object
this._reportDocument = new CReportDocument();
//These settings should be initialized from i.e. web.config in Page_PreInit
this._reportDocument.ServerName = this._serverName;
this._reportDocument.DatabaseName = String.Empty;
this._reportDocument.SchemaName = this._schemaName;
this._reportDocument.DatabaseType = CReportDatabaseType.ORACLE;
this._reportDocument.UserId = this._userId;
this._reportDocument.UserPassword = this._userPassword;
this._reportDocument.IntegratedSecurity = false;
//Get report name from query string. Define Your own method to get report name
var parReportName = Request.QueryString["reportname"];
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parReportName))
lblConfigError.Text = "Crystal Report name is not being provided.";
//Set Report file
this._reportDocument.ReportFile = Server.MapPath("~/ReportFiles/") + parReportName;
//Set Report documant
//Get Report Document
crViewer.ReportSource = this._reportDocument.GetReportDocument();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CReportParameter reportParameter;
//Get parameters Your own method to provide report parameters
var parFimYear = RouteData.Values["par1"];
var parFimCityCode = RouteData.Values["par2"];
if (par1 == null || par2 == null)
lblConfigError.Text = "Crystal Report parameters are not being provided.";
//Define Report Parameter
reportParameter = new CReportParameter();
reportParameter.ParameterName = "@parYear";
reportParameter.ParameterValue = parFimYear;
reportParameter.crParameterValueKind = ParameterValueKind.StringParameter;
reportParameter = new CReportParameter();
reportParameter.ParameterName = "@parCityCode";
reportParameter.ParameterValue = parFimCityCode;
reportParameter.crParameterValueKind = ParameterValueKind.StringParameter;
//Set report parameters
protected void Page_Unload(object sender, EventArgs e)
Method 2
using System;
using System.Linq;
using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
using WebReports.Models.Helpers.CrystalReports; //Reference to CR wrapper
namespace YourNamespace
public partial class ReportForm : System.Web.UI.Page
protected string _serverName;
protected string _databaseName;
protected string _schemaName;
protected string _userId;
protected string _userPassword;
protected bool _integratedSecurity;
protected string _databaseType;
/// <summary>
/// Load report
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
CReportParameter reportParameter;
//These settings should be initialized from i.e. web.config in Page_PreInit
if (!IsPostBack)
if (this._databaseType == CReportDatabaseType.ORACLE.ToString())
//static wrapper class
CReportDocumentManager.ServerName = this._serverName;
CReportDocumentManager.DatabaseName = String.Empty;
CReportDocumentManager.SchemaName = this._schemaName;
CReportDocumentManager.DatabaseType = CReportDatabaseType.ORACLE;
CReportDocumentManager.UserId = this._userId;
CReportDocumentManager.UserPassword = this._userPassword;
CReportDocumentManager.IntegratedSecurity = false;
//Get report name from query string. Define Your own method to get report name
var parReportName = Request.QueryString["reportname"];
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parReportName))
lblConfigError.Text = "Crystal Report name is not being provided.";
//get par1. Your own method to provide report parameters. This is from MVC application
var par1 = RouteData.Values["par1"];
//get par2
var par2 = RouteData.Values["par2"];
if (par1 == null || par2 == null)
lblConfigError.Text = "Crystal Report parameters are not being provided.";
reportParameter = new CReportParameter();
reportParameter.ParameterName = "@parYear";
reportParameter.ParameterValue = par1;
reportParameter.CReportParameterValueKind = ParameterValueKind.StringParameter;
reportParameter = new CReportParameter();
reportParameter.ParameterName = "@parCityCode";
reportParameter.ParameterValue = par2;
reportParameter.CReportParameterValueKind = ParameterValueKind.StringParameter;
CReportDocumentManager.ReportFile = Server.MapPath("~/ReportFiles/") + parReportName;
ReportDocument doc = CReportDocumentManager.GetCReportDocument();
crViewer.ReportSource = doc;
Session[parReportName] = doc;
var parReportName = Request.QueryString["reportname"];
ReportDocument doc = (ReportDocument)Session[parReportName];
crViewer.ReportSource = doc;