I have the following documents in ElasticSearch 0.19.11, using:
{ "title": "dogs species",
"col_names": [ "name", "description", "country_of_origin" ],
"rows": [
{ "row": [ "Boxer", "good dog", "Germany" ] },
{ "row": [ "Irish Setter", "great dog", "Ireland" ] }
{ "title": "Misc stuff",
"col_names": [ "foo" ],
"rows": [
{ "row": [ "Setter is impotant" ] },
{ "row": [ "Ireland is green" ] }
The mapping is as follows:
"table" : {
"properties" : {
"title" : {"type" : "string"},
"col_names" : {"type" : "string"},
"rows" : {
"properties" : {
"row" : {"type" : "string"}
Question: I'm now searching for "Ireland Setter" and I need to have a higher score for documents that have search terms in the same row.
Currently the second document gets score of 0.22, while the first one - 0.14.
I want the first document to get a higher score in this case, since it has both "Ireland" and "Setter" in the same row. How can it be done?