I have created a setting.bundle in my iPhone app project. Its working fine. An application setting are visible in iPhone default Settings application with application icon and name.
I have also created a UIViewController in my app which contains the same setting functions which are in setting.bundle's Root.plist.
Means I have same setting view both in iPhone default Setting app and in my app setting viewcontroller.
When I apply some changes in iPhone default settings of my app, its reflect changes in my application from NSNotification object.
But problem occurs when I do some changes in my application settings viewcontroller, I can't apply this changes in iPhone default setting app. I want both setting page work synchronously. Both setting page needs to reflect them changes on each other.
One logic I found is this: need to modify settings.bundle's Root.plist within my application, parallel with application setting viewcontroller. But How to modify it, If I will succeed in modifying it, will it effect my iPhone default setting app's settings?
Second: Is is possible to send any notifications from application to iPhone default settings application to change its value?
Help me to solve this.
If I am not succeed to explain you my issue, please ask me. I will explain you in brief.
Thanks in advance.