Given a list of points in a two dimensional space, you want to perform a function in Haskell to find the distance between the two closest points. example: Input: project [(1,5), (3,4), (2,8), (-1,2), (-8.6), (7.0), (1.5), (5.5), (4.8), (7.4)] Output: 2.0
Assume that the distance between the two farthest points in the list is at most 10000.
Here´s my code:
import Data.List
import System.Random
sort_ :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sort_ [] = []
sort_ [x] = [x]
sort_ xs = merge (sort_ left) (sort_ right)
(left, right) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs
merge [] xs = xs
merge xs [] = xs
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)=
if x <= y then
x : merge xs (y:ys)
else y : merge (x:xs) ys
project :: [(Float,Float)] -> Float
project [] = 0
project (x:xs)=
if null (xs) then
error "The list have only 1 point"
else head(sort_(dstList(x:xs)))
distance :: (Float,Float)->(Float,Float) -> Float
distance (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2)
dstList :: [(Float,Float)] -> [Float]
dstList (x:xs)=
if length xs == 1 then
(dstBetween x xs):[]
else (dstBetween x xs):(dstList xs)
dstBetween :: (Float,Float) -> [(Float,Float)] -> Float
dstBetween pnt (x:xs)=
if null (xs) then
distance pnt x
else minimum ((distance pnt ):((dstBetween pnt xs)):[])
Calling generator to create a file created at random points
generator = do
putStrLn "Enter File Name"
file <- getLine
g <- newStdGen
let pts = take 1000 . unfoldr (Just . (\([a,b],c)->((a,b),c)) . splitAt 2)
$ randomRs(-1,1) g :: [(Float,Float)]
writeFile file . show $ pts
Call the main to read a file and pass it to the function of project
The function of the project should keep the name 'project' as described
in the statement
main= do
putStrLn "Enter filename to read"
name <- getLine
file <- readFile name
putStrLn . show . project $ readA file
readA = read
I can perform a run of the program as in the example or using the generator as follows:
in haskell interpreter must type "generator", the program will ask for a file name containing a thousand points here. and after the file is generated in the Haskell interpreter must write main, and request a file name, which is the name of the file you create with "generator".
The problem is that for 1000 points randomly generated my program takes a long time, about 3 minutes on a computer with dual core processor. What am I doing wrong? How I can optimize my code to work faster?