
What is the purpose of passing arguments to lua_resume and lua_yield?

I understand that on the first call to lua_resume the arguments are passed to the lua function that is being resumed. This makes sense. However I'd expect that all subsequent calls to lua_resume would "update" the arguments in the coroutine's function. However that's not the case.

What is the purpose of passing arguments to lua_resume for lua_yield to return? Can the lua function running under the coroutine have access to the arguments passed by lua_resume?


3 Answers


What Nicol said. You can still preserve the values from the first resume call if you want:

  local firstcall
  function willyield(a)
    firstcall = a
    while a do
      print(a, firstcall)
      a = coroutine.yield()

local coro = coroutine.create(willyield)
coroutine.resume(coro, 1)
coroutine.resume(coro, 10)
coroutine.resume(coro, 100)

will print

1 1
10 1
100 1

Lua cannot magically give the original arguments new values. They might not even be on the stack anymore, depending on optimizations. Furthermore, there's no indication where the code was when it yielded, so it may not be able to see those arguments anymore. For example, if the coroutine called a function, that new function can't see the arguments passed into the old one.

coroutine.yield() returns the arguments passed to the resume call that continues the coroutine, so that the site of the yield call can handle parameters as it so desires. It allows the code doing the resuming to communicate with the specific code doing the yielding. yield() passes its arguments as return values from resume, and resume passes its arguments as return values to yield. This sets up a pathway of communication.

You can't do that in any other way. Certainly not by modifying arguments that may not be visible from the yield site. It's simple, elegant, and makes sense.

Also, it's considered exceedingly rude to go poking at someone's values. Especially a function already in operation. Remember: arguments are just local variables filled with values. The user shouldn't expect the contents of those variables to change unless it changes them itself. They're local variables, after all. They can only be changed locally; hence the name.


A simple example:

co = coroutine.create (function (a, b)
       print("First  args: ", a, b)
       coroutine.yield(a+10, b+10)
       print("Second args: ", a, b)
       coroutine.yield(a+10, b+10)
print(coroutine.resume(co, 1, 2))
print(coroutine.resume(co, 3, 4))


First  args:    1       2
true    11      12
Second args:    1       2
true    11      12

Showing that the orginal values for the args a and b did not change.