
I have recently pushed an Umbraco site live, i.e moved the site to a live server from a development server. The database is in place and the site is up but none of the stylesheets or images are loading.

/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fcss%2fmain.css%3fver%3d16&ver=16 404 (Not Found)

Umbraco seems to be adding '/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=' to links as the files are being requested.

I'm not sure what's going on but could this be some sort of permissions problem?

Thanks in advance!


Also, I'm having trouble accessing /umbraco/, /umbraco/default.aspx works but there are no styles and the resulting admin panel has no fields. Whatever the problem is, it seems to be affecting everything.


Solved, it was permissions. When I set it up I copied the permissions of a similar build (which I presumed was working). I'd noticed at that point that Plesk IIS User wasn't set to read, but I ignored that and carried on.

Should have trusted my own judgement, came back hours later, changed it to read and BOOM. Website go.

Thanks for your help.

Could be a permissions problem, try to set permission to read to the folder where the css files are locatedavb

1 Answers


Your site is configured to use authentication, which means that some, or all, of the content on your site is not available for viewing to non=authenticated users. If the user is not authentictaed then Umbraco will redirect them to the login page (login.aspx).

There are various things you can do here. I had a question regarding authentication the other week which was discussed at the Our Umbraco forum:


An approach to deal with this, which is discussed in the forum question, was to use public access configuration in Umbraco. That is discussed here:


This allows you to configure role-based (or single user based) permissions on your site, so you can control what user roles (or users) can see on the site.