I use NHibernates schema export functionality to create and update the database.
However sometimes (seems to happen on slow machines more frequently) NHibernate generates incorrect alter table scripts. I disabled the schema export and log the statements to debug the problem.
This problem occurs randomly and affects randomly different tables.
An example script is: alter table dbo.VlogNet_NumberGroups add DKS_P03_Artikelgruppe BIGINT
However the "DKS_P03_Artikelgruppe" column belongs to a completely different mapping and to make it worse this mapping is even configured to NHibernate.Mapping.ByCode.SchemaAction.None
Edit: To clarify my question: Why does NHibernate randomly mix up different mappings and issues alter table commands which break my database.
public class NumberGroupMap : HierachicalEntityMap<NumberGroup> { public NumberGroupMap() { Property(x => x.StartNumber); Property(x => x.EndNumber); Property(x => x.LastGeneratedNumber); Property(x => x.StartTime); Property(x => x.LifeSpan); Property(x => x.ResetOnNewYear); Property(x => x.IsResetable); Property(x => x.WarningAtPos); } public override string TableName { get { return "VlogNet_NumberGroups"; } } }
derives from ClassMapping<T>
, it just adds some Properties (ID, Name, Parent) and sets the TableName to the value of the corresponding Property.
The field DKS_P03_Artikelgruppe
originates from this mapping:
public class DksCarrierInformationMap : ClassMapping<DksCarrierInformation> { public const string EntityTable = "DKS_Liste"; public DksCarrierInformationMap() { Table(EntityTable); SchemaAction(NHibernate.Mapping.ByCode.SchemaAction.None); Id(x => x.Auto_ID, x => x.Generator(Generators.Identity)); Property(x => x.Versanddaten_ID, x => { x.NotNullable(true); x.Unique(true); }); #region Invoiceaddress // ... left for brevity #endregion #region Labelinformationen // ... left for brevity #endregion #region EDI // ... left for brevity Component(x => x.DKS_P01, x => { x.Property(c => c.Artikelgruppe, c => c.Column("DKS_P01_Artikelgruppe")); x.Property(c => c.Anz_Teile, c => c.Column("DKS_P01_Anz_Teile")); x.Property(c => c.Anz_Buegel, c => c.Column("DKS_P01_Anz_Buegel")); x.Property(c => c.Gewicht, c => c.Column("DKS_P01_Gewicht")); x.Property(c => c.Type, c => { c.Column("DKS_P01_ArtikelTyp"); c.Type>(); c.Length(10); }); x.Property(c => c.Bezeichnung, c => c.Column("DKS_P01_Bezeichnung")); }); // ... left for brevity Component(x => x.DKS_P03, x => { x.Property(c => c.Artikelgruppe, c => c.Column("DKS_P03_Artikelgruppe")); x.Property(c => c.Anz_Teile, c => c.Column("DKS_P03_Anz_Teile")); x.Property(c => c.Anz_Buegel, c => c.Column("DKS_P03_Anz_Buegel")); x.Property(c => c.Gewicht, c => c.Column("DKS_P03_Gewicht")); x.Property(c => c.Type, c => { c.Column("DKS_P03_ArtikelTyp"); c.Type>(); c.Length(10); }); x.Property(c => c.Bezeichnung, c => c.Column("DKS_P03_Bezeichnung")); }); // ... left for brevity Component(x => x.DKS_P20, x => { x.Property(c => c.Artikelgruppe, c => c.Column("DKS_P20_Artikelgruppe")); x.Property(c => c.Anz_Teile, c => c.Column("DKS_P20_Anz_Teile")); x.Property(c => c.Anz_Buegel, c => c.Column("DKS_P20_Anz_Buegel")); x.Property(c => c.Gewicht, c => c.Column("DKS_P20_Gewicht")); x.Property(c => c.Type, c => { c.Column("DKS_P20_ArtikelTyp"); c.Type>(); c.Length(10); }); x.Property(c => c.Bezeichnung, c => c.Column("DKS_P20_Bezeichnung")); }); #endregion } }
The code which sets up the NHibernate SessionFactory:
var modelMapper = new ModelMapper(); foreach (var assembly in _assembliesToScan) { Logger.DebugFormat(" * {0}", assembly); modelMapper.AddMappings(assembly.GetTypes()); } Logger.InfoFormat("Adding {0} class maps", _classMaps.Count); foreach (var type in _classMaps) { Logger.DebugFormat(" * {0}", type); modelMapper.AddMapping(type); } var cfg = new Configuration(); ConfigureNHibernate(cfg, Settings[Type]); ConfigureEnvironment(cfg); cfg.AddMapping(modelMapper.CompileMappingForAllExplicitlyAddedEntities()); ValidateSchema(cfg); SessionFactory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();