I'm using GPars' fork/join. When I throw an exception after calling forkOffChild, it gets buried.
For example:
def myRecursiveClosure = { boolean top ->
try {
if (!top) {
throw new RuntimeException('child had a problem')
} else {
} catch (Exception exc) {
println 'Exception handled internally'
throw exc
try {
GParsPool.withPool {
GParsPool.runForkJoin(true, myRecursiveClosure)
} catch (Exception exc) {
println 'Exception handled externally'
throw exc
Here, I set a flag so I know the closure has been called recursively. Then, I throw an exception, which gets caught 'internally', but the re-throw is never caught 'externally'. So I am not aware that the forked child failed.
I tried the exception handler also, but it doesn't seem to get called either.
Is this expected behavior, or am I doing something wrong? Are there any strategies to help with this? I can't have the child silently fail.