
I want to make it possible for user to change his profile details(except UserId,Username and password(password changed in another view))

so in my method when I make it like that

    public void SaveUser(UserProfile user)
        context.Entry(user).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;

I get an error Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). After that I have surfed the stackoverflow, where someone suggested to make it another way, so i edited my SaveUser method

        public void SaveUser(UserProfile user)
        var objectContext = ((System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.IObjectContextAdapter
        catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException)
            objectContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, context.UserProfiles);

after these changes I don't get this error anymore, however my profile details are not changed.

My HttpPost Edit method(HttpGet retrieves correct information)

    public ActionResult Edit(UserProfile user)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            return View(user);
        return View();

In my Edit view I have only LabelFor's and EditorFor's for everything(except Id,Username and Password) and Submit button.

Trying to solve that all day long and have not succeeded yet.

If your user object in the post method doesn't have the Id set, model binding won't work (aka nothing will be updated).dom
so, should I pass not the UserProfile object but rather the Id for that and then find the user with the Id passed? Or do I get it wrong?asdewka

1 Answers


Most likely your user's primary key UserId property value is 0 because you don't use the UserId in your view. You are then trying to update an entity with key value 0 that doesn't exist in the database and causes the exception.

Put a hidden form field into your view that carries the user's UserId between client and server back and forth:

@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.UserId)

Normally if you use default routing you should have a route http://www.mysite.com/{controller}/{action}/{id}. If the url is then http://www.mysite.com/User/Edit/3 MVC tries to bind the value 3 to a property with name id (upper or lower case don't matter). Your Update should work then. But I guess your primary key property in User is not Id, but something else - like UserId. In that case the model binder can't find your key property and leaves its value as default (= 0).

Therefore as an alternative to the hidden field you could give the user's key property the name Id or specialize the route to use UserId as parameter.