I have PNG files that I would like to convert the whole image to be semi-transparent.
The image will be referenced in a KML file as an icon overlay for use in Google Earth/Maps.
The following examples have been suggested to me using the ImageMagick convert command, however neither seems to work.
The first example results in an error,
$ /usr/local/bin/convert 121112142121.png -channel Alpha -evaluate Set 50% 2121112142121.png
convert: no decode delegate for this image format '121112142121.png' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/550.
convert: option requires an argument '-evaluate' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/1400.
the second fails to make any observable change to the image:
convert filename.png -fill '#00000080' -draw 'matte 100,100 reset' output.png
While I can find many examples on the web for creating fully transparent images from specific colors or alpha masks, I cannot seem to find any that work for creating semi-transparent images or changing the opacity. I would like to find a way to do this with the convert command, or with ImageMagick Perl.
(ImageMagick version is 6.8.0-4)