
I have a table of charges with the amount, and the currency code (USD, JPY, CAD, EUR etc.), and am looking for the easiest way to properly format the currency. Using my local culture code (USA) and taking my decimal.ToString("c") gets me $0.00 output, but I'd like the correct currency sign and number of decimals based on the code.

Do any libraries exist for this? I can of course write up a switch statement and custom rules for each one, but thought this must have been done before.


I've modified Jon B's sample code as follows

static IDictionary<string, string> GetCurrencyFormatStrings()
    var result = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    foreach (var ci in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures))
            var ri = new RegionInfo(ci.Name);
            result[ri.ISOCurrencySymbol] =
                                new string('0', 
        catch { }

    return result;

This allows me to simply go Amount.ToString(Currency["JPY"]), and the format will output the comma separator in my local context, but put the correct currency symbol and decimal places in automatically.

Let me know if anyone has a cleaner way of doing this, or I will mark Jon's answer as correct shortly.

@AakashM - Actually it does exist. Its called CultureInfo.Security Hound
Retracting my previous comments, I note that RegionInfo knows the currency code for a region's currency, so the Framework does have some knowledge of these. I suspect you're going to have to iterate though, as I don't see any currency-code-based lookup.AakashM
@Ramhound CultureInfo tells you how to format a currency-ish quantity in a given culture. It doesn't tell you that the symbol for JPY is ¥.AakashM
Look here ? [Previous question from currency ISO codes][1] [1]: stackoverflow.com/questions/2763128/…Black Light

3 Answers


You could build a dictionary to go from ISO currency symbol (USD) to currency symbol ($):

static void Main(string[] args)
    var symbols = GetCurrencySymbols();

    Console.WriteLine("{0}{1:0.00}", symbols["USD"], 1.5M);
    Console.WriteLine("{0}{1:0.00}", symbols["JPY"], 1.5M);


static IDictionary<string, string> GetCurrencySymbols()
    var result = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    foreach (var ci in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures))
            var ri = new RegionInfo(ci.Name);
            result[ri.ISOCurrencySymbol] = ri.CurrencySymbol;                    
        catch { }

    return result;

That's the basic idea, you'll need to tweak that to suit your needs.

Note that you can certainly use the CultureInfo class to convert to a string for a specific culture, but as noted in Alexei's comment, that will cause each string to be a little different (like 1.00 vs 1,00). Whichever you use depends on your needs.

public static class DecimalExtension
    private static readonly Dictionary<string, CultureInfo> ISOCurrenciesToACultureMap =
            .Select(c => new {c, new RegionInfo(c.LCID).ISOCurrencySymbol})
            .GroupBy(x => x.ISOCurrencySymbol)
            .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.First().c, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    public static string FormatCurrency(this decimal amount, string currencyCode)
        CultureInfo culture;
        if (ISOCurrenciesToACultureMap.TryGetValue(currencyCode, out culture))
            return string.Format(culture, "{0:C}", amount);
        return amount.ToString("0.00");

Here are the results of calling FormatCurrency for a few different currency codes:

decimal amount = 100;

amount.FormatCurrency("AUD");  //$100.00
amount.FormatCurrency("GBP");  //£100.00
amount.FormatCurrency("EUR");  //100,00 €
amount.FormatCurrency("VND");  //100,00 ?
amount.FormatCurrency("IRN");  //? 100.00

Should be done by passing the CultureInfo:

CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
amount.ToString("C", ci);