I have a simple ATMEL micro-controller with an LED light on a board connected to a Nexus tablet through a FTDI-232 cable and a USB->micro-USB OTG cable.
The device is not recognized if:
1)FTDI cable is connected to the board + micro-controller
2)The OTG cable is connected to the FTDI cable
3)OTG cable is connected to the tablet
It is recognized if:
1)The FTDI cable is connected to the board + micro-controller
2)the OTG cable is plugged into the tablet
3)the FTDI cable is plugged into the OTG cable
It is recognized if:
1)FTDI cable is plugged into the OTG cable
2)OTG cable is plugged into the tablet
3)FTDI cable is plugged into the board + micro controller
I also have an Arduino UNO board that works independent of the connection order.
I need it to work for the first example where the OTG cable is connected to the tablet last.
EDIT: After looking around a bit and testing some things I think the OTG cable decides which device is the host based on the first device that has power. If I remove power to the ATMEL board/chip and then plug in the whole thing it sets the tablet as the host.
So I need some way to force set the Nexus7 Tablet as host even if it is already plugged into a powered device.