I believe that using a combination of interfaces and base classes could work for you. It will enforce behavioral requirements at compile time (rq_ post "below" refers to a post above, which is not this one).
The interface sets the behavioral API that isn't met by the base class. You will not be able to set base class methods to call on methods defined in the interface (because you will not be able to implement that interface in the base class without having to define those behaviors). Maybe someone can come up with a safe trick to allow calling of the interface methods in the parent.
You have to remember to extend and implement in the class you will instantiate. It satisfies concerns about defining runtime-fail code. You also won't even be able to call the methods that would puke if you haven't implemented the interface (such as if you try to instantiate the Animal class). I tried having the interface extend the BaseAnimal below, but it hid the constructor and the 'name' field of BaseAnimal from Snake. If I had been able to do that, the use of a module and exports could have prevented accidental direct instantiation of the BaseAnimal class.
Paste this in here to see if it works for you: http://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground/
// The behavioral interface also needs to extend base for substitutability
interface AbstractAnimal extends BaseAnimal {
// encapsulates animal behaviors that must be implemented
makeSound(input : string): string;
class BaseAnimal {
constructor(public name) { }
move(meters) {
alert(this.name + " moved " + meters + "m.");
// If concrete class doesn't extend both, it cannot use super methods.
class Snake extends BaseAnimal implements AbstractAnimal {
constructor(name) { super(name); }
makeSound(input : string): string {
var utterance = "sssss"+input;
return utterance;
move() {
var longMover = new Snake("windy man");
longMover.makeSound("...am I nothing?");
var fulture = new BaseAnimal("bob fossil");
// compile error on makeSound() because it is not defined.
// fulture.makeSound("you know, like a...")
I came across FristvanCampen's answer as linked below. He says abstract classes are an anti-pattern, and suggests that one instantiate base 'abstract' classes using an injected instance of an implementing class. This is fair, but there are counter arguments made. Read for yourself:
Part 2:
I had another case where I wanted an abstract class, but I was prevented from using my solution above, because the defined methods in the "abstract class" needed to refer to the methods defined in the matching interface. So, I tool FristvanCampen's advice, sort of. I have the incomplete "abstract" class, with method implementations. I have the interface with the unimplemented methods; this interface extends the "abstract" class. I then have a class that extends the first and implements the second (it must extend both because the super constructor is inaccessible otherwise). See the (non-runnable) sample below:
export class OntologyConceptFilter extends FilterWidget.FilterWidget<ConceptGraph.Node, ConceptGraph.Link> implements FilterWidget.IFilterWidget<ConceptGraph.Node, ConceptGraph.Link> {
subMenuTitle = "Ontologies Rendered"; // overload or overshadow?
public conceptGraph: ConceptGraph.ConceptGraph,
graphView: PathToRoot.ConceptPathsToRoot,
implementation: FilterWidget.IFilterWidget<ConceptGraph.Node, ConceptGraph.Link>
this.implementation = this;
export class FilterWidget<N extends GraphView.BaseNode, L extends GraphView.BaseLink<GraphView.BaseNode>> {
public implementation: IFilterWidget<N, L>
filterContainer: JQuery;
public subMenuTitle : string; // Given value in children
public graphView: GraphView.GraphView<N, L>
doStuff(node: N){
export interface IFilterWidget<N extends GraphView.BaseNode, L extends GraphView.BaseLink<GraphView.BaseNode>> extends FilterWidget<N, L> {
generateStuff(node: N): string;