You can possibly implement this as per the following points:
1. Prepare your test-urls in csv-file, e.g. in the following format:
2. Use schema for your script as below:
Thread Group
. . .
While Controller
Condition: ${__javaScript("${testURL}"!="<EOF>",)} // read csv-file until the EOF
CSV Data Set Config
Filename: [path to your csv-file with test-urls]
Variable Names: testURL
Recycle on EOF? False
Stop thread on EOF? True
Sharing mode: Current thread group
HTTP Request // your http call
Server Name or IP: ${testURL} // use variable with extracted URL
. . .
3. To retain test-results you can use e.g. Save Responses to a file or configure Sample Result Save Configuration for any of the jmeter's out-of-the-box listeners.