I want to create different view scripts for each modules in my application. My structure look like that:
-- application
-- modules
-- default
-- views
-- default
-- scripts
-- fluid
I set default script path in Zend Controller Plugin, which preDispatch() is executed with the request:
$view->setScriptPath(sprintf('%s/modules/%s/views/%s/scripts', APPLICATION_PATH, $module, $views));
Everything works great until i call action from view:
$this->action('activity-stream', 'index', 'observation');
Application throws an exception with message:
script 'index/activity-stream.phtml' not found in path (C:/wamp/www/erp/application/modules/observation/views\scripts/;C:\wamp\www\erp\application/modules/user/views/fluid/scripts/)
Looks like, when calling module with View Action Helper, script path is not set properly. Any idea how to achieve that?