
As noted here and elsewhere: edit/done button, change done button background color

If you custom tint your navigationBar using navigationBar.tintColor, you lose the default custom blue appearance of a UIBarButtonItemStyleDone button. I need a "Next" button that retains this custom blue appearance, but need to custom tint my navigationBar.

As noted here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4704198/675943

If you manually set the RGB of the UIBarButtonItem it looks different from the system default.

Is there any way for me to retain the system default "Next" button blue-style appearance with a tinted navBar? Setting tintColor to nil as mentioned in the above link doesn't work.


Did you ever resolve this issue?Phantom59

1 Answers


One solution is, you can create bar button item with custom view

  • (id)initWithCustomView:(UIView *)customView

Pass UIButton as custom view. Set targrt & action to UIButton and image which looks like default blue appearance of a UIBarButtonItemStyleDone.