
On a layout I'm working on (and in most cases otherwise), I can't think of any instances where I wouldn't want a div to not contain its floated children. So I'm thinking instead of adding a clearfix class to every element that needs it (mostly container divs), why not just make all divs already clearfixed like so:

div:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    height: 0;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;

Are there any disadvantages to this? I can't really see any while testing my current layout, but maybe some more knowledgeable people out there know better than I.

Similar to this, though I'm not sure how useful my answer actually is...thirtydot

2 Answers


If you do this, then you will never be able to have multiple floated divs stack horizontally with one another, because your clearfixes are getting in the way.

So in a way, having a clearfix on every div element would nullify the effect of floating them, as well as related elements.

This is why articles often suggest applying clearfix to a certain class, then giving the desired elements that class instead:

.cf:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    height: 0;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;

In my opinion the clear fix is superfluous for most cases where it is used, it is far simpler just to use overflow: hidden.

Obviously if the element has dimensions set smaller than it's content, or you actually want the ability for a child element to sit outside it's parent, then this wont work. But eight times out of ten I find that overflow hidden wont cause any problems what-so-ever, and is much cleaner to implement.

With regards to setting the clear fix on every div, I would stay well away from this.

  1. It would add quite a bit of extra processing to your page rendering.
  2. It would be near-invisible to others working with your code.
  3. Not to mention BoltClock's float problem.

I have however built layouts that have made copious use of overflow hidden with no ill effects.

  1. It isn't a hack, it utilises in-built element rendering options.
  2. If applied to each class that needs it, it is quite obvious to other developers.
  3. It wont suffer the float problem.