Hello guys I have an issue bugging me for the past few weeks.
What I'm trying to accomplish: I need a webbrowser control with the ability to change user agent (once at start) and referrer. But most important The ability to see the urls responses. What I mean by that for example if you navigate to a website you get back Images/Javascripts files/Dyanmic URLS in response I need access to those urls which some of them have dynamic variables (Regular Webbrowser Control will not show you those & you can't access it in any way beside using fiddler core).
I was able to do that with webbrowser + fiddlercore I can see and do what ever with those urls addresses. The problem was if you run few instances of this program (or sometimes once if the program has some automation to work with the url responses) It gets stuck or doesn't work. I tried fixing it and making it work but it's kind of a hacky solution that doesn't work right. I need a simple way to access those urls just as if you used httpwebrequest but as a webbrowser. Why I need it as a webbrowser? The way I work I need the execution of all the tracking pixels and scripts and images etc.. a normal webbrowser behaivor in httpwebrequest you can't just navigate and all the scripts will be execute as webbrowser, or can you?