
I have a UNIX SAS and SQL Server on Windows XP. I am trying to make a connection between UNIX SAS and SQL Server in Windows Authentication Mode. I made an ODBC Connection but when I try to connect using the following command:

libname odbclib odbc noprompt="dsn=SQLDataODBC;Trusted_Connection=yes" schema=DBO;

I got the following error:

"ERROR: The ODBC engine cannot be found."

How can I resolve this?


1 Answers


It sounds like you do not have the SAS/Access to ODBC product installed on your UNIX server. That is a separately licensed product and not part of "base" SAS.

If you think you might want to add this product, contact your site administrator. If you will be mostly dealing with SQL Server, consider adding the SAS/Access to SQL Server product instead.