I have a single 'point to point' IBM MQ queue receiving messages from multiple producers. My application consumes the messages from the queue. I am using spring 'jmstemplate" and "DefaultMessageListenerContainer" to consume the messages asynchronously.
My application is running on 2 jvms, meaning there are 2 listeners active on each jvm listening to the same queue.
Coming to my questions, If a message arrives...
1) How does the listeners know that the message arrived in the queue?
2) Out of the two listeners, which one will receive the message ? What is the approach followed to distribute the messages to the listeners?
3) Can i scale to 'N' count of listeners for a singe queue? If i grow to 10 listeners, how does the scaling work? how are the messages distributed to listeners?
4) How does the MQ server make sure that the same message is not sent to multiple listeners?
May be these are simple questions, but not able to drill down on how the above scenarios works. Please share your thoughts...