
Android's JNI tips page mentions this FAQ: Why didn't FindClass find my class? They mention multiple solutions and the last option there is this one:

Cache a reference to the ClassLoader object somewhere handy, and issue loadClass calls directly. This requires some effort.

So, I tried to get it working and it seems that no matter what, this method simply does not work for me. Eventually, I figured how to use ClassLoader but it won't work if from a native thread I try to loadClass that hasn't been touched/loaded yet. Essentially, it's the identical to env->FindClass in behavior when called from a native thread, with the exception that it won't return 0 for classes that were already use in the app. Any idea if I didn't get it right, or it's impossible to access classes from a native thread that weren't used/loaded yet.

EDIT: I'll give more info to explain what exactly I mean. There is regular JNI env->FindClass(className), and another one that I wrote myFindClass(env, className) that uses cached ClassLoader->loadClass.

The class that I'm trying to access from native c/c++ is "com/noname/TestClient". Inside myFindClass I also use env->FindClass and log value that it returns:

jclass myFindClass(JNIEnv * env, const char* name)
    jclass c0 = env->FindClass(name);
    jclass c1 = (jclass)env->CallObjectMethod(ClassLoader,
        MID_loadClass, envNewStringUTF(name));
    dlog("myFindClass(\"%s\") => c0:%p, c1:%p, c0 and c1 are same: %d",
        name, c0, c1, env->IsSameObject(c0, c1));

Then, I have these 3 combinations to explain the issue.


//inside JNI_OnLoad thread
myFindClass(env, "com/noname/TestClient");

//inside native thread created by pthread_create
myFindClass(env, "com/noname/TestClient");

I get this logcat:

myFindClass("com/noname/TestClent") => c0:0x41b64558, c1:0x41b64558, c0 and c1 are same: 1
myFindClass("com/noname/TestClent") => c0:0, c1:0x41b64558, c0 and c1 are same: 0


//inside JNI_OnLoad thread

//inside native thread created by pthread_create

I get this logcat:

myFindClass("com/noname/TestClent") => c0:0, c1:0x41b64558, c0 and c1 are same: 0


//inside JNI_OnLoad thread
//"com/noname/TestClient" isn't touched from JNI_OnLoad.

//inside native thread created by pthread_create
myFindClass(env, "com/noname/TestClient");

I get this logcat:

myFindClass("com/noname/TestClent") => c0:0, c1:0, c0 and c1 are same: 1

Basically, my issue is that ClassLoader doesn't find my class in the 3rd case. Is it a bug? What can be done to fix the problem?

EDIT2: On top of that, it seems that ClassLoader::loadClass is plainly buggy. If I ask myFindClass("noname/TestClent") then it returns some garbage, and when I use that returned jclass in any way the app crashes.

Yes, that's normal, Android apps do not use the system class loader by default. Just cache all that you need in JNI_OnLoad() and that will take care of that.Samuel Audet
Re: EDIT2: sounds like the method threw an exception, at which point the return value is undefined. loadClass() never returns null; it either returns the class reference or it throws an exception.fadden
@fadden it could be. I don't remember exactly what was the issue, but I solved it eventually.Pavel P

2 Answers


After much trying and crashing of my app, a colleague and I managed to cache and succesfully use the class loader in another, native, thread. The code we used is shown below (C++11, but easily converted to C++2003), posted here since we couldn't find any examples of the aforementioned "Cache a reference to the ClassLoader object somewhere handy, and issue loadClass calls directly. This requires some effort.". Calling findClass worked perfectly when called from a thread different from the one of JNI_OnLoad. I hope this helps.

JavaVM* gJvm = nullptr;
static jobject gClassLoader;
static jmethodID gFindClassMethod;

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *pjvm, void *reserved) {
    gJvm = pjvm;  // cache the JavaVM pointer
    auto env = getEnv();
    //replace with one of your classes in the line below
    auto randomClass = env->FindClass("com/example/RandomClass");
    jclass classClass = env->GetObjectClass(randomClass);
    auto classLoaderClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/ClassLoader");
    auto getClassLoaderMethod = env->GetMethodID(classClass, "getClassLoader",
    gClassLoader = env->CallObjectMethod(randomClass, getClassLoaderMethod);
    gFindClassMethod = env->GetMethodID(classLoaderClass, "findClass",

    return JNI_VERSION_1_6;

jclass findClass(const char* name) {
    return static_cast<jclass>(getEnv()->CallObjectMethod(gClassLoader, gFindClassMethod, getEnv()->NewStringUTF(name)));

JNIEnv* getEnv() {
    JNIEnv *env;
    int status = gJvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
    if(status < 0) {    
        status = gJvm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
        if(status < 0) {        
            return nullptr;
    return env;

Try attaching your native thread to the JVM first.

The pointer to jvm you can obtain first thing in JNI_OnLoad


Then from your native thread

JNIEnv *env;
jvm->AttachCurrentThread((void **)&env, NULL);

Then use that env for FindClass