
I am quite new to std::enable_if and wondering how to use it. I have a template class:

template<int a, int b>
class foo {

Now I only want to instantiate it when a + b equals to 10. Could I make this possible using std::enable_if?

The second question: If I have a member in class foo

template<int a, int b>
class foo {
  int c;

I only want to have c when

a = 5. 

How do I do that using std::enable_if? Is this one the correct case to use std::enable_if?

That's not what enable_if is for. It's only for deduced types in function templates.Kerrek SB
@KerrekSB: Or to disable specializations of class templates. Both have been the core usages of boost::enable_if for a long time and both are still valid use cases. Note that this is usually done in the context of multiple specializations of a base template to select one over the others, rather than just disabling a template altogether.David Rodríguez - dribeas
@DavidRodríguez-dribeas: That's a good point. I've not used it for class template specializations a lot so far...Kerrek SB
Simpler: template<int a> class foo { static const int b = 10 - a;MSalters

4 Answers


I guess you can use static_assert better to enforce that constraint instead of enable_if

template<int a, int b>
class foo {
    static_assert(a+b==10, "a+b is not 10");

int main()
    foo<5,5> f; // will compile
    foo<1,5> f; // will fail to compile with error: a+b is not 10
    return 0;

enable_if is primarily used to conditionally remove functions and classes from overload resolution based on type traits and to provide separate function overloads and specializations for different type traits.

template<int a, int b, typename T = typename std::enable_if<a + b == 10>::type>
class foo {

This should do the job; just make sure you never explicitly provide the third template parameter when instantiating the template.

As others mentioned, static_assert is a much better fit.


With C++20

You can achieve that simply by adding requires to the template:

template<int a, int b> requires (a + b == 10)
struct foo {
    int c;

int main() {
    foo<3, 7> ok;
    // foo<3, 8> doesnt_compile;

The requires clause gets a constant expression that evaluates to true or false deciding thus whether to consider this as a proper match, if the requires clause is true, or ignore it otherwise.

Code: https://godbolt.org/z/yHh4Et


Simple, just don't use enable_if

template<bool Ten>
struct Base
    int c;

struct Base<false>
{ };

template<int a, int b>
struct foo : Base<a+b == 10>