I am working on an application using ember.js and a couch DB backend. So far, i used ember-resource as database driver, but I am considering switching to ember-data, since this seems to be more sustainable.
Since I am working with couch DB, I am using the Couch DB-Adapter.
The documents in my database contain complete object structures, so I have to specify embedded objects in the database driver.
But although I am specifying my sub-objects as embedded, ember-data seems to fetch these objects with separate requests, instead of just getting them out of the main json.
My object definitions are as follows:
App.UserProfile = DS.Model.extend({
type: DS.attr('string'),
fullname: DS.attr('string'),
email: DS.attr('string'),
pictureUrl: DS.attr('string'),
social: DS.hasMany('App.SocialWebAccount', { embedded: true }),
App.SocialWebAccount = DS.Model.extend({
profile: DS.belongsTo('CaiMan.UserProfile'),
site: DS.attr('string'),
account: DS.attr('string'),
and the server data ist something like this:
"_id": "thoherr",
"_rev": "55-d4abcb745b42fe61f1a2f3b31c461cce",
"type": "UserProfile",
"fullname": "Thomas Herrmann",
"email": "[email protected]",
"pictureUrl": "",
"social": [
"site": "socialFacebook",
"account": "thoherr"
"site": "socialXing",
"account": "Thomas_Herrmann7"
"site": "socialEmail",
"account": "[email protected]"
After loading, the UserProfile does contain an ArrayProxy for my social data, which is populated by three entries, but they are all undefined instead of instances of SocialWebAccount!
If i try to access this array, ember-data seems to do a separate database access to fetch the data, which then leads to an error because the couch DB-adapter accesses an _id field, which is not available in undefined....
What am i missing?
I thought the "embedded" flag signals that the data is already in the json and the objects can be instantiated from the json?
Why does ember-data try to fetch the embedded data?
Any hint?